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„CeU X Art Lunch“ – Dr. Ingrid Lohaus führt durch die aktuelle Ausstellung „LE SALON DE MUSIQUE“ mit Werken von Gregor Hildebrandt und anderen. Kuratiert von der Schweizer Musiklegende Stephan Eicher
6. Februar 2024 · 12:00 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr

„CeU X Art Lunch“ – Dr. Ingrid Lohaus führt durch die aktuelle Ausstellung „LE SALON DE MUSIQUE“
Music is one of the oldest and most revered forms of art altogether; it conveys strong emotions and plays a central role in the lives of many artists. Our exhibition „LE SALON DE MUSIQUE“ approaches music in a special way as it is primarily meant to be seen, not heard. Curated by the Swiss music legend Stephan Eicher, who is friends with many artists and is closely connected to the performing arts, as evident not only in his album covers and music videos.
John Armleder
Sophie Calle
Sylvie Fleury
Gregor Hildebrandt
Idris Khan
Alicja Kwade
Jockom Nordström
Olivier O. Olivier
Rainier Lericolais
Dan Reeder
Janina Roider
Annik Wetter