Initiated by Kristina Tröger and founded by 40 top business women on December 4, 2015 in Hamburg, Germany, the Club of European Business Women (CeU) quickly established itself as a powerful organization.
The time was right to start this new, modern network of successful female business women with the aim of providing mutual and independent support to women in business.
Our objective is to be ‘the modern voice of female entrepreneurs in business, politics and society’.
A period of highly dynamic growth immediately followed our foundation: by now, the network consists of well over 700 leaders – and the number is rising daily! Members include leading, powerful women as well as young female entrepreneurs. High-calibre influencers – men and women – from business, politics and society provide their support to the organization, its strategy and people.
CeU’s demonstrated leadership, advocacy and expertise make it the ideal organization in today’s challenging world to develop women in business and speak on their behalf with the biggest players in European industry.
Our success derives from the fact that we are different to other more traditional networks and associations. We believe in a supportive and non-bureaucratic way of dealing with each other, where everyone has a voice and innovative ideas are always welcome. This makes all the difference and this difference is frequently and enthusiastically confirmed by new members and sponsors!
- Our style is modern, yet timeless and very much our own. We pursue our objectives in a straightforward, open and confident way. This is consistent with the typical communication culture among modern business women, just like the cooperation in our club: with communication at eye-level, unpretentious, and tailored to individual needs.
Our network operates internally and externally. Externally we provide a powerful voice to key influencers in all areas, not just by formulating new ideas and problem-solving approaches. We also demonstrate that women make a considerable contribution to business success and society at large. Internally, our cross-industry Club strengthens our CeU members, who can draw on the skills, expertise and network of like-minded female business women to further develop themselves professionally and personally, regardless of age and professional background. We expect that our members support each other and draw on each other’s experience. This way the European Business Women`s Club contributes to making successful women even more successful.
The Club is free of ideology in everything we do. We reject exclusive or feminist mindsets. We work well and gladly with men in business, within our individual businesses and as an organization.
In line with the cosmopolitan reach of our members and the way businesses operate today, the Club also has an international stance. We consciously connect at a European level and develop our own European structure in line with this approach. We already have women representing the Club in three European countries outside Germany (Italy, Spain and Poland) and will soon also be present in the UK, France and Sweden. Further countries will follow.
Alexandra Freifrau von RehlingenGeschäftsführende Gesellschafterin, Schoeller & von Rehlingen Public Relations GmbH
Georg Friedrich Prinz von PreußenUnternehmer und seit 1994 Oberhaupt des Hauses Hohenzollern,
Dr. Anne-Maire GrossmannGesellschafterin und Mitglied der Geschäftsführung, Georgsmarienhütte Holding GmbH (GMH Gruppe)
Dr. Peter TschentscherHamburgs Erster Bürgermeister ,
Prof. Dr. phil. Jens WeidnerKriminologe & Management-Trainer, Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg
Saskia Stella GleitsmannGeschäftsführende Gesellschafterin & Beiratsvorsitzende, Gleitsmann GmbH & Co. Verwaltungs KG
Christine WangGeschäftsführerin Lufthansa Innovation Hub (LIH),
Christian KrugChefredakteur Neue Geschäftsfelder a.D. und Medien Unternehmer, Gruner + Jahr
Ian Kiru KaranHamburger Unternehmer,, Wirtschaftssenator a.D und Mäzen